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How businesses in Africa can find the cloud’s elusive ROI

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The cloud has the potential to transform businesses, especially in Africa, but many organizations are struggling to find a return on investment (ROI). Below are some tips for businesses to find the cloud’s elusive ROI:

  1. Think beyond migration. Moving your data and applications to the cloud is just the first step. To get the most out of the cloud, you need to use it to innovate and grow your business.
  2. Define the real value of cloud for your business. What are your specific business goals? How can the cloud help you achieve those goals? Once you know the value of cloud for your business, you can start to measure your ROI.
  3. Consider the total cost of ownership (TCO). When evaluating cloud solutions, it’s important to consider the total cost of ownership, not just the monthly subscription fees. TCO includes factors such as hardware costs, software costs, maintenance costs, and training costs.
  4. Work with a trusted cloud partner. A trusted cloud partner can help you assess your needs, select the right cloud solutions, and manage your cloud environment.
  5. Measure your ROI. It’s important to track your ROI from cloud investments so you can see how they’re contributing to your bottom line.
  6. Consider the local availability of cloud services. Not all cloud providers offer the same level of service in Africa. Make sure to choose a provider that has a strong presence in your region.
  7. Be aware of the regulatory environment. There are different regulations governing the use of cloud computing in different African countries. Make sure to understand the regulations in your country before you move your data and applications to the cloud.

By following these tips, your business can find the cloud’s elusive ROI and transform your businesses for the better.