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Kenyan telecom regulator boss resigns amidst abuse allegations

The embattled Director General (DG) of the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA), who was under suspension for alleged misconduct and financial improprieties within the organization’s Sh662.4 million mortgage program for the communication sector, has resigned.

In a statement, the Authority said Chiloba tendered his resignation on Wednesday, October 18, in a letter addressed to the Board Chairperson, Mary Mungai.

The statement reads, “On the morning of October 19, 2023, the board of directors of the Communications Authority of Kenya accepted the resignation of Mr. Ezra Chiloba as the Director General. Mr. Chiloba tendered his resignation on October 18, 2023, in a letter addressed to the chairperson of the CA board”.

“On behalf of the Authority, I wish the outgoing Director-General success in his future endeavours and appreciate his invaluable contribution to the organization and the wider ICT sector,” the board chair stated.

The former telecoms boss, Mr. Chiloba had been suspended by the board chair on September 18, following allegations that he authorized his own mortgage loan and also disbursed a sum of Sh25m to a company, Kitale Hilmost Ltd, owned by himself. He is also reported to have approved the clearance of staff members who had left CA in spite of their uncleared loans totaling Sh28.9m and misrepresenting loan balances for other employees. These allegations stemmed from an audit report on the management of the staff mortgage scheme.

Mr. Chiloba will be remembered for growing Kenya’s mobile revenue by 7.7 percent to generate KSh 339.4b and ICT investment by 14 percent to record KSh 58.8b, respectively, in the year ended June 2023.