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Report: 95% of enterprises believe digital infrastructure under threat

Faced with rising data volumes, relentless cybersecurity threats, a dire shortage of skilled professionals, and the higher regulatory requirements, 95% of businesses perceive their digital infrastructure as a risk to their operations, according to a new report titled “Vision 2030: Overcoming your digital infrastructure connectivity challenges and requirements” by Telehouse International Corporation of Europe, a global data center service provider.

The report is based on a survey of 250 UK IT decision-makers aimed at capturing their perspectives on the digital infrastructure challenges and opportunities they anticipate in the coming decade.

Dealing with data surge and infrastructure demands

Looking forward to 2030, = 89% of respondents anticipate the need for high-density, high-performance computer systems to handle the massive data volumes generated by IoT, widespread AI adoption, machine learning, advanced data analytics, and the expansion of cloud-based remote work. Additionally, 75% of organizations expect a significant increase in their data management responsibilities.

Concerns about data vulnerability

Emphasizing the growing concerns among IT professionals, 42% of respondents identified software as the most vulnerable aspect of their digital infrastructure in the next decade. This underscores the urgency for organizations to fortify their software defenses.

Preparedness gap: the IoT and edge computing challenge

The survey revealed a readiness gap, with over half (55%) of respondents acknowledging partial readiness to address the challenges posed by emerging technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing. Eleven percent of organizations admitted to having limited capabilities, a deficiency that could significantly impede their growth and competitiveness if not promptly addressed.

Persistent skills shortage

The shortage of IT skills remains a pressing issue, particularly in the realm of emerging technologies. Nearly a third (29%) of decision-makers identified artificial intelligence (AI) as the area where their organization faces the most significant skills deficit. Additionally, 20% recognized a shortage of cloud-related skills, and 14% expressed concerns about security expertise. To bridge this skills gap, 35% of organizations have initiated internal training programs focusing on AI, edge computing, and cybersecurity.

AI integration and security concerns

The research also highlighted evolving challenges for IT decision-makers. Since Telehouse’s 2020 research, the percentage of senior IT professionals viewing the integration of AI and analytics as their most significant infrastructure challenge has grown from 23% to 33%. Notably, cybersecurity has emerged as a prominent source of concern, with 33% identifying cyberattacks as their top worry regarding downtime. This unease is exacerbated by the changing landscape of regulations and compliance standards.

Rising interest in colocation services

As the complexities of security and compliance heighten, 54% of organizations are choosing colocation services over on-premises IT infrastructure. This marks a significant increase from the 33% reported in Telehouse’s 2020 research.

Investment and partnerships as the way forward

Amid these challenges, 61% of respondents plan to increase their investment in data center infrastructure over the next decade, while 33% anticipate investment levels to remain stable. Furthermore, one-fifth of organizations are exploring commercial relationships with colocation providers to strengthen their connectivity capabilities in the face of the impending data surge.

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Executive Vice President & General Manager of Telehouse Europe, Mark Pestridge, commented, “Our research underscores the formidable digital infrastructure challenges that organizations are grappling with as they navigate emerging technologies amidst a persistent shortage of specialized IT skills and mounting concerns about cyber risks, downtime, and regulatory compliance. The exponential growth of data and the growing demand for digital connectivity make it imperative for businesses to adopt robust models and establish the right partnerships to harness connectivity opportunities.”